Office of Administration

The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) Office of Administration (OOA) is responsible for the overall administrative functions of the agency. The mission of OOA is to provide its customers with human resource management, organizational development and operational services to enable MDOT SHA to accomplish its overall mission. The Director’s Office provides direction and leadership for OOA programs including business planning, and other administrative services. This office also handles special functions such as organizational and functional manual updates.

Key divisions are:

Contact: Deputy Director's Office, 410-545-5569

Medical Services

This Division provides a wide array of services in the management of cases that encompasses sick leave, work injury leave, modified duty (light duty), and physical/psychological disabilities.

Contact: C. Edwin Becraft, Jr., M.D., Chief of Medical Services 410-545-5556

Organizational Development Division

This division manages and coordinates all employee training, educational and organizational development activities for MDOT SHA. The three major functional areas are:      

  • Developmental Programs
  • Statewide Training Development      
  • Workforce Planning Support

Developmental Programs is responsible for the Advanced Leadership Program (ALP), the New Supervisor’s Training Program, the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program, Stepping Into Success (SIS), the Graduate Engineer’s Training Program (GETP) and the Morgan State University Scholarship Program.    

Contact: Division Chief, 410-545-0332  

Statewide Training and Development is responsible for all non-technical training delivery, the Professional Development Plan (PDP) process, PDP reporting and tracking, Advanced Education/Tuition Reimbursement, Corner Stone Administration, training effectiveness, e-learning initiatives, core training oversight, and the management and oversight of SHA University.      

Workforce Planning Support is responsible for succession planning, data management and learning publications.

Human Resources Division 

The Human Resources Manager manages all HR functions and provides high quality services to the internal and external customers of MDOT SHA. The HR Manager represents MDOT SHA at MDOT’s Human Resources Group and oversees MDOT SHA’s labor relations program to include interpretation of the Memo of Understanding related to collective bargaining.

The HR Manager oversees four major functional areas:

  • Classification and Compensation
  • Employee Services
  • Employer-Employee Relations
  • Recruitment and Examination

Human Resources Manager, 410-545-0331

Classification and Compensation provides classification and compensation service for MDOT SHA, including the performance of classification studies and surveys, development and modification of job specifications, the review of reorganization proposals, and salary surveys.    

Contact: Division Chief, 410-545-5608

Employee Services manages SHA employment; processes personnel transactions, calendar year (CY) & fiscal year (FY) employee performance evaluations; manages official personnel records; and provides policy guidance and interpretation to all SHA employees.      

Contact: Shawnae Upton, Division Chief, 410-545-5623

Employer-Employee Relations is responsible for managing all employer-employee relations services, including employee discipline, grievances, substance abuse and workplace violence.    

Contact: Division Chief, 410-545-8711   

Recruitment and Examination develops and administers all recruitment and assessment applications with regard to selection and promotion within MDOT SHA. Specifically, staffers develop examinations and recruitment strategies for jobs that are unique to MDOT SHA. They implement strategies for other classifications as needed.

Contact: Division Chief, 410-545-5632

Strategic Projects Division (SPD)

Strategic Projects manages special projects requested by the administrator and deputy administrators. The SPD manager identifies, recommends, develops and implements new strategic HR initiatives, such as workforce planning. SPD is dedicated to high-level, multi-disciplinary projects not managed in other functional areas of HR.

Operations and Facilities Management Division

This division is responsible for day-to-day maintenance and operation of the 707 and 211 buildings, including telecommunications, housekeeping, security, parking, grounds-keeping, fleet management, management of training facilities within the Headquarter complex, and the distribution of mail and supplies to all MDOT SHA locations statewide.

Contact: Manager, 410-545-8022