Traffic Studies and Statistics
HPMS is a nationwide FHWA road inventory database that reports the extent, condition, performance, use, and operating characteristics of the nation’s highways.
The Traffic Monitoring System (TMS) Team administers the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) Traffic Monitoring Program. The program collects, processes, analyzes, summarizes, and disseminates Maryland highway traffic data. It is supported by a comprehensive, user friendly, management information computer database system.
The annual mileage reports show miles, lane miles and Annual Vehicle Miles of Travel (AVMT) for all State, county and municipally maintained roads in Maryland.
The annual mileage reports by surface type show miles the mileage by surface type for the county, municipal and other routes.
This report contains Annual Vehicle Miles of Travel (AVMT) by county and functional classification for State, county, and municipal highway systems.
This report contains highway miles for Maryland’s Interstate Highway System by route number and mileage on the Baltimore and Capital Beltways.