Fact Sheets

Snow and Ice

Here you’ll find backgrounders about:

  • Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) winter operations, including facts and figures.
  • Reducing the use of salt to save the Bay and Maryland’s waterways.
  • MDOT SHA’s new Statewide Transportation Operations Response Map (STORM), which helps the public locate snow plows and equipment as they are deployed during snow and ice.
  • Safe driving during snow storms.


​MDOT SHA expends nearly $8 million a year picking up litter. This equates to about 5,300 truckloads of trash annually. MDOT SHA urges people to throw trash where it belongs, in a trash can.

SHA Social Media Guidelines

If you are posting to MDOT's SHA's social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you must adhere to these guidelines.