Crash Responder Safety Week
November 18-22, 2024
Every few seconds, a traffic incident responder puts their life on the line to aid crash victims by safely and quickly clearing crash scenes and performing other duties that could prevent in secondary crash.
The Federal Highway Administration began commemorating Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW) in 2016, although back then it was called National Traffic Incident Responder Awareness Week (NTIRAW). This national event takes place annually during the third week of November.. Today CRSW is used by local and national associations and state departments of transportation, including the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration, to bring attention to traffic incident responder safety. To learn more about CRSW, please visit the
FHWA CRSW website.
The Maryland State Highway Administration, along with our local and national partners, reminds all road users to Protect Those Who Protect You every day by:
- staying alert when driving;
- moving over when approaching all forms of traffic incident response—whether aiding a stalled vehicle, clearing roadway debris or responding to a crash;
- slowing down if you cannot safely move over a lane.
Governor Wes Moore proclaimed November 18-22 Crash Responder Safety Week in Maryland.

To commemorate Crash Responder Safety Month, the State Highway Administration is hosting Thank a Safety Responder Day on Saturday, November 16, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Join us and meet crash responders, explore their vehicles and equipment. For more information, contact
The State Highway Administration’s emergency responder technicians patrol more than 2,000 lanes miles of roadway in Maryland.