Reforestation Law 5-103 Summary – Affected Parties

The Maryland Reforestation Law protects Maryland's forests from removal without adequate replacement. This law requires an acre-for-acre replacement of forest removed during road construction. The law also specifies the minimum required plantings and planting locations. Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Forest Service, is responsible for administering this law.

Reforestation Law

Reforestation Site Review Form (PDF, 24kb)

Reforestation Site Review Form (ZIP)

Reforestation Law - Summary to Construction Agencies

The following summary was prepared by DNR Public Lands Forest Service to highlight significant aspects of the Natural Resources Article, Section 5-103.

Affected Parties

  • 1a. All units of government or person(s)/projects using State funding.
  • 2a. All above parties clearing one acre or more of forest land due to construction activities (see attached Reforestation Law for definition of "forest")
  • 3a. All non-highway, public, State funded projects let out for construction bid after July 1, 1992 must conform to Forest Conservation Act (F.C.A.) requirements.


The intent of the law is to preserve existing forest land. Every effort must be made not to remove the forest! However, if forest land removal must occur, it should be minimal and must be replaced per the following requirements.

Main Requirements

  • 1b. Forest replacement shall occur on a one-to-one basis, on public lands.
  • 2b. Constructing agency must locate reforestation/afforestation sites (per item 1b, above and item 1c below).