Office of Equal Opportunity - External Complaint Procedure

If you believe that you or others protected by Title VI have been victims of discrimination, you may file a complaint by using SHA’s Title VI complaint form via the link below. 

Complaints may be filed by any individual or group who believes:

  • ​That their rights, under Title VI, have been violated in a discriminatory manner.
  • That SHA’s programs or activities do not comply with federal civil rights laws.
  • That they have been treated in a disparate manner.


An act (or action) whether intentional or unintentional, through which a person solely because of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin has been otherwise subjected to unequal treatment under any program or activities receiving federal financial assistance. 

Disparate Treatment 

Disparate treatment is inconsistent application of rules and policies to one group of people over another. Discrimination may result when rules and policies are applied differently to member of protected classes.

​Please submit the Title VI Complaint Form to:

Maryland State Highway Administration 
Office of Equal Opportunity 
Title VI Manager 
211 E. Madison Street, Mailstop MLL-3