Talbot County Height, Weight & Underclearance Restrictions

Bridges on State Maintained Highways with Vertical Clearances less then 14 Feet 6 Inches.

Talbot County - Height Restrictions

Bridge No.

Route No.


Min. Vertical Clearance

Max. Vertical Clearance


MDDE Railroad @ MP 0.04

MD 303



Harbor Tunnel Clearance - 14' Maximum Allowable Height of Vehicle and Load 13'.
The vertical clearance limitations shown on this sheet are not guaranteed. Due to resurfacing of highways etc. these are subject to change and may be greater at certain positions under a structure. If dimensions are to be used to determine routes for exact movement, field measurements will be necessary.

Talbot County - Weight Restriction

Bridge No.

Route No.


Single Unit Vehicle

Combination Vehicle

This chart shows structures on the State of Maryland Highway System that cannot carry legal weight vehicles. If you need to move an overweight load into or through Maryland please call 1-888-375-1084 for assistance.

Talbot County - Underclearance over Navigable waterways

Bridge No.



Approx. Vertical Underclearance in feet


MD 33

Knapps Narrows



MD 33

Oak Creek



MD 370

Miles River



MD 331

Choptank River


Bridge underclearances over navigable waterways are estimated vertical distances above normal water surface levels. These levels can vary considerably from season to season and for tidal waters will vary daily. Underclearance for tidal waters is above mean high tide. Therefore, because of these variations the elevations are provided as a service to the public as a guide and the information should be verified by field measurements by the boater if the exact underclearance is critical to the boater. SHA does not accept liability for inaccurate information.

*** These are movable bridges; the underclearance shown is for bridge in a closed condition. Click here for schedule of opening and closings