MD 100 sign
Daytime Lane Shift Begins Tuesday, December 20; Drivers Advised to Remain Alert and Reduce Speeds Through the Work Zone
(December 19, 2022) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) will conduct road surface repairs beginning this week along eastbound MD 100 between MD 10 (Arundel Expressway) and MD 177 (Mountain Road) in Anne Arundel County. The work will begin December 20 and be complete by late January, weather permitting.
Crews are permitted to work weekdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., and during work periods MDOT SHA will close one of two lanes along eastbound MD 100 between MD 10 and MD 177. Drivers should prepare for a lane shift and reduce travel speeds. Portable variable message signs, cones and barrels will guide drivers through the work zone. Non-emergency lane closures will be suspended for the holidays Monday, December 26, and Monday, January 2.
MDOT SHA contractor Reliable Contracting Inc. will perform the work. Customers who have questions may contact the MDOT SHA District 5 Office at 410-841-1000 or toll-free at 1-800-331-5603.
Maryland’s Move Over Law requires motorists to make a lane change or slow down when approaching any stopped, standing, or parked vehicle displaying hazard warning lights, road flares or other caution signals. The expanded law is in place to protect emergency responders and motorists who encounter a roadside emergency.
Motorists in need may dial #77 on their mobile device for roadside assistance.
For a list of all major MDOT SHA projects, go to
Project Portal. Visit our homepage at
roads.maryland.gov. For a look at real-time traffic conditions, go to
Editor’s Note
From intersection improvements to widening and new interchange construction, MDOT SHA is investing in projects to enhance the commute and daily travel for millions of Marylanders. MDOT SHA maintains more than 2,500 bridges and 17,000 miles of non-toll state roads – the interstate, US and state numbered routes in Maryland’s 23 counties.