Material Quality Assurance Processes, Details and Frequencies

The Material Quality Assurance Manual is published online by the Office of Materials Technology (OMT) as a centralized location for tasks, procedures and frequencies for the evaluation of material quality. Use this manual along with the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) Standard and Supplemental Specifications for Construction and Materials , the Book of Standards for Highway and Incidental Structures and other specification sources. The Material Quality Assurance Manual does not supersede any official specification but is intended to summarize the Quality Assurance (QA) process by material.

This manual has been updated as noted below under Revision History. SHA / OMT does not print hard copies of the manual for distribution.

Material Quality Assurance Manual

FlagB​uild America, Buy America

For federally-funded projects advertised after November 10, 2022, certificates of compliance with the Build America, Buy America Act will be required from product manufacturers or producers for all iron, steel, and construction materials.

A "construction material," per BIL/IIJA section 70914, is defined as “An article, material, or supply —​ that is or consists primarily of non-ferrous metals; plastic and polymer-based products (including polyvinylchloride other than an item of primarily iron or steel; a manufactured product; cement and cementitious materials; aggregates such as stone, sand, or gravel; or aggregate binding agents or additives composite building materials, and polymers used in fiber optic cables); glass (including optic glass); lumber; or drywall. Based on BIL/IIJA section 70914, cement and cementitious materials, and aggregate binding agents or additives are excluded from the definition of 'construction materials.'​​"


Eric M. Frempong, Ph.D., P.E.
Office of Materials Technology
7450 Traffic Drive
Hanover, Maryland 21076-1598
Office: 443-572-5269
Toll Free: 866-926-8501

Evroc “Rocky” Goocharan
Assistant Division Chief, Materials Management Division
Area Material Engineering Team
7450 Traffic Drive
Hanover, Maryland 21076-1598
Office: 443-572-5030
Toll Free: 866-926-8501


Mesgana Ayele
Assistant Division Chief, Materials Management Division
Materials Management Systems
Office of Materials Technology
7450 Traffic Drive
Hanover, Maryland 21076-1598
Office: 443-572-5021
Toll Free: 866-926-8501