(August 30, 2012) –   There’s a morning meeting at 9 a.m. sharp, and a broken-down car sits in the left lane, backing up traffic for miles. Will you make it to work on time? No worries! With the new My MD511 Direct service from the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA), one of the most progressive 511 systems in the country, it is easier than ever to “Know Before You Go.”
With My MD 511 Direct, you know what to expect on the road ahead. With a quick glance at your text messages before you step out of your house, you find a customized traffic update: Your travel time is 10 minutes longer than usual and a disabled car sits in the left lane. You leave 15 minutes early and arrive at the meeting on time and relaxed.  With the new upgraded 511 service you “Know Before You Go” automatically with text or email messages - no phone service to call, no web site to check. 
Thousands of Maryland drivers now participate in this upgraded service that provides free critical traffic, incident and travel time information by phone, web and now directly to registered customers through e-mails and text messages.  For mobile devices, free text and email “reading” audio applications are available through third-parties vendors.
“SHA is committed to making travel more predictable.  My MD511 Direct is a user-friendly convenience that can help more drivers ‘Know Before They Go,’ saving frustration, time, money and gas,” said SHA Administrator Melinda B. Peters. “With critical travel information now available by text and e-mail, it’s a good time to remind everyone that it is against the law to use hand-held phones while driving. Please use 511 safely.” 
Here is how it works:  Register at and create your profile using the “My Maryland 511 link.”  Select your pre-determined trips and routes – i.e. “Home to Work.”  Then select the type of message you want – travel time updates, incident reports or both.  Schedule your alerts by selecting individual days, weekdays or weekends as well as specific times or a timeframe.  Information on most major routes is available 365 days per year and 24 hours a day – whenever it is needed. Once you select your trips you can receive incident and travel time information automatically for free, although standard mobile provider fees/plans will apply.
While some other States offer 511 traffic alerts by e-mail and text, few offer both travel time and incident report alerts.  The direct messaging will be especially helpful to drivers during holidays, major incidents and inclement weather. Travel information continues to be offered through the phone line “511” and the web site suggestions and concerns are welcome.
You can record comments using the 511 phone system by pressing “77” or the “Contact Us” link on the website to let us know about your experience with the service.  SHA will continue to refine the voice recognition and programming features, so your input is critical.  In addition to dialing “511” in Maryland, you can reach Maryland 511 by calling 1-855-GOMD511 or 1-855-466-3511.
The three-digit “511” number was designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as the national telephone number for traveler information.  “511” is used by more than 40 state or municipal transportation departments and transit agencies in the nation.  In 2010, SHA awarded the 511 contract to Telvent in Rockville to design, build, implement, operate, host and maintain Maryland’s state-wide 511 program for five years.  Visit and set up your personalized routes today and learn how 511 can improve your commute or next road trip!
