(March 6, 2013 at 3:30 p.m.) – Though the predicted heavy snowfall mostly missed the Baltimore/Washington metro areas, highway crews remain prepared for additional precipitation this afternoon and evening.  Western Maryland has received between three and 10 inches of snow since last night.  Strong winds are presenting problems for drivers, forcing the temporary closure of the Bay Bridge (US 50) due to 50 to 60 mph winds. Flooding is also possible in low-lying areas as heavy rain is expected to continue through late tonight.

With daylight’s end, conditions could deteriorate for drivers so State Highway Administration (SHA) crews continue patrolling Maryland roads – plowing and/or treating roads with salt as needed.  The Emergency Operations Center is activated, where personnel are monitoring conditions and deploying resources as necessary.  SHA cautions drivers that while road have been mainly wet, a drop of just a few degrees may cause roads to become slippery and treacherous.

“Tonight could pose problems for drivers so we ask everyone to use caution and ‘Know Before You Go’ by checking 511 for conditions,” said SHA Administrator Melinda B. Peters.  “If you encounter our crews, remember to leave plenty of following distance and never try to pass the large plow trucks.”

“Keep in mind, winds and heavy snow may cause tree limbs to break onto roads and power lines,” added Ms. Peters.  “There could be power disruptions that cause traffic signals to be dark.  Remember the new law – treat intersections without power as four-way stops.”
Speed limits are set for fair weather conditions so travelers should modify driving behavior for conditions - slow down, use caution, allow plenty of distance between vehicles, use snow tires and allow plenty of time for travel. Know Before You Go.  SHA provides a new FREE service the “511 Traveler Information” system.  To Know Before You Go! Simply dial 511 from a land line or mobile phone for traffic, weather alerts and road conditions.   For internet access, visit  While there, register with My511 to customize your reports on your most frequent routes and areas of interest.

Remember to buckle up and “Take It Slow on Ice and Snow.”  Before leaving the office or home, log onto and click the CHART icon for the latest road conditions, live traffic cameras and a variety of information to help with travel decisions and planning.  Citizens can also follow SHA on Facebook at and Twitter @MDSHA. 

For tips on preparing for winter storms, residents can visit, click on the “Be Prepared” button on the left side of the screen and click on the “Winter Storms” link. There also are tips for general preparedness that are helpful for any type of emergency.


