US 220 sign
Project Team Seeking Input on Design for Proposed Improvements
(October 15, 2024) – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration will host a public open house, 5 - 7 p.m., Monday, October 28, to gather public input on the design for intersection improvements proposed at US 220 (McMullen Highway) and MD 53 (Winchester Road) in Cresaptown, Allegany County. The public open house will be held at Bel Air Elementary School, 14401 Barton Blvd., Cumberland.
The project area extends from the intersection at US 220 and MD 53 to I-68 (National Freeway). The goal of the project is to improve accessibility to existing commercial centers and developing areas, improve mobility for trucks and upgrade roadways and sidewalks.
The project is currently in the design phase. During the open house, attendees can view maps and displays that highlight the latest design for proposed improvements. State Highway Administration representatives will be available to answer project-related questions and listen to feedback. There will be no formal presentation. More information about the US 220 and MD 53 Intersection Improvement project can be found on the
Project Portal page.
US 220 map with project limits
Those requiring assistance to participate in the workshop, such as those seeking an interpreter for hearing/speech difficulties or assistance with the English language, may email
SHATitleVI@mdot.maryland.gov in advance of the event. Please indicate the desired language in the subject line. Maryland Relay Service can assist teletype users at 7-1-1.
Questions about the open house or general inquiries can be directed to Project Manager Jill Smith, P.E., at
JSmith30@mdot.maryland.gov, or Community Relations Manager Holly Pearl at