Aug 17 2020First Virtual Public Hearing on I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study Draft Environmental Impact Statement Set for August 18 Statewide | Traffic Relief PlanRegistration open to submit live testimony; Event is first in series of virtual and in-person hearings hosted by MDOT SHA, Federal Highway Administration [Click here...]
Jul 10 2020MDOT SHA, Federal Highway Administration Publish I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study's Draft Environmental Impact StatementStatewide | Traffic Relief PlanSeries of Virtual and In-Person Public Hearings Scheduled as Part of Review Process [Click here...]
Apr 11 2019I-495 and I-270 Travelers Could See Dramatic Time Savings on Their Future Commutes with The State’s Regional Congestion Relief PlansStatewide | Traffic Relief PlanMDOT SHA to Host First of Eight Managed Lanes Study Public Workshops Tonight in Landover [Click here...]
Mar 7 2019MDOT SHA to Hold Six Public Workshops on Alternatives for the I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study in Montgomery County and Prince George’s CountyStatewide | Traffic Relief PlanThe workshop materials will include: informational displays; handouts; and interactive and hard copy mapping [Click here...]
Dec 13 2018MDOT Hosts International Industry Forum For I-495 & I-270 P3 ProgramStatewide | Traffic Relief PlanEvent Brings P3 Transportation Industry to Maryland for I-495 & I-270 Program [Click here...]