MD 17 sign
Northbound and Southbound Traffic will be Alternated to Help Expedite the MD 17 Bridge Replacement Project over Middle Creek
(September 6, 2023) - The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration will activate temporary traffic signals on MD 17 (Burkittsville Road) between Quebec School Road and Countryside Drive in Frederick County beginning Thursday, September 7.
The temporary traffic signal is part of the MD 17 Bridge over Middle Creek replacement project and will be in effect 24-hours-per-day throughout the duration of the project. The project should be complete by September 2024, weather permitting.
Two temporary traffic signals will safely alternate northbound and southbound vehicles traveling across the bridge structure over Middle Creek and ensure motorist and work zone safety. The two-lane roadway will become reduced to a single lane guided by the temporary traffic signals. Drivers should expect brief delays throughout the project.
The State Highway Administration’s contractor, Franco’s Liberty Bridge Inc. of Clinton, is performing the work.
The State Highway Administration understands lane closures can be inconvenient, but the work is necessary to maintain and improve the transportation system. Drivers are asked to stay alert, stay focused, look for reduced speed limits as well as driving pattern changes, and slow down in construction zones.
Motorists in need may dial #77 on their mobile devices for roadside assistance.
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Project Portal, or visit the homepage at roads.maryland.gov. For a look at real-time traffic conditions, go to